Posts Tagged ‘culture’

The fashionable divide

April 11, 2010

“And the key differences between women in the North and their fellow fashion lovers in the South-East?”

‘In London,’ says Justine, ‘women will dress down their Louboutin heels with skinny jeans or leggings and less-is-more hair and make-up, which they see as being very cool.”

‘In Liverpool, that would be criminal: the girls here make sure the rest of their outfit is as glam as the shoes themselves.”

“My own view is that Northerners are finally asserting themselves when it comes to what they wear. We love glamour and we’re no longer afraid to flaunt it.”

As I read the article that these quotes came from, many questions arise.  Fashion brings many people together. No doubt that we have bonded with a friend over shopping, or a common massive shoes addiction. We may also have met a new friend while shopping, or working in retail. This love of all things fashionable brings many together. This being said, I wonder how many people we alienate with our style preferences. It is natural, that we as humans look to others for reassurance in ourselves. We are drawn to others that resemble our own appearance. We do this not only because it is comfortable to us, but also to reaffirm our own choices. So if we are naturally drawn to others that are similar to ourselves, then who are we missing out on?

I find myself wondering what makes me comfortable. Am I calmed by the presence of those who are like me? Of course I am. I have a friend who is like my twin. We were obviously separated at birth. She enjoys all the same things as I do, arts, crafts, and always challenging herself. She loves fashion, and would never sacrifice her style for functionality. We buy each other the same gifts, and pick out matching items without trying. My friend, soul mate if you will. Being around her makes me at ease. It’s like hanging out with a dark-haired version of myself.  While I enjoy being comfortable with familiarity, I also enjoy meeting others that do not share my tastes. Meeting someone who is a polar opposite of myself is a challenging experience. I do not mean it isn’t enjoyable for me, I just mean it pushes my limits. It pushes me to an uncomfortable place. That uncomfortable is not a bad place to be, and it doesn’t last. This uneasiness means I am doing something right. I am growing. When you befriend someone who looks different, enjoys different things, or lives in contrast to your life how do you feel? I find that I am unsure of myself at first, getting a feeling for the new dialogue. Questioning internally whether I am good enough, and whether they are good enough to continue the adventure. Not only is it rewarding to learn from someone else, the way they see the world, It forever changes a tiny piece of you.

As a girl who loves her high heels, and leggings, fashion is my friend. One of my many outlets is the chance to style myself, and others. When I befriend someone who is not worried about appearance, or enjoys a laid back sense of style, I am curious to learn how my fashion choices effect how others feel around me. Do I make them feel under dressed? I on a regular basis admit to feeling overdressed. What types of people am I drawing to myself, and on the other hand who am I alienating?

Not only are these questions interesting on an individual scale, but expanding them world-wide makes this a complicated, and fascinating topic. How does fashion divide us as people? Naturally as humans we divide ourselves into like groups. We judge ourselves, and others by appearance. We decide on first glance whether or not you belong, followed by getting to know you to justify the initial judgments. There is a fashion style for every belief, and lifestyle. Whether you are conservative, country living (cowboy inspired), fashion forward, successful business person, or poverty striken. The preconceived image is already in our minds. The fact is you are entering a room, only after someone has already met you in their own mind. Leaving you to break down the existing walls.

The scary truth being fashion is really making your first impressions for us, making our friends, and effecting our careers. With this being the reality of now, I ask you this…. what image are you putting forth? How is your style effecting your life?

Im new to school, do you like my lunch pail?

February 25, 2010

Hello Blogging world. I am new here!

I am Starting my attempt at blogging, and sharing my thoughts, though I am not sure anyone wants to know. All of this a new venture for me. I am reminded of my feelings being a young child, entering my new classroom for the first time. I have my new backpack, and new lunch pail. These things would surely make the kids like me right?!!?  Who could resist this new, shiny, school attending, me? Well, when you enter the class you realize just maaaybe this is not enough to wow. Questions start to race through this little brain of yours. Maybe this is not the right place for me? What if they do not like me? I may not fit in here.

Well here I am, again, I guess you never stop having these moments in life. Always pushing boundaries, and placing yourself in new environment. You place yourself there, with the hope that these unfamiliar surroundings will evolve into a comfortable setting one day. That this new place you are scared of will one day excite, and comfort you. That one day, I will have confidence about my blogging skills, and not panic at the idea of putting my wild ideas down on the internet for people to scan, pick, criticize, or maybe, dare I say, love. Hence why I am here. The need to be challenged, excited, scared, and, at times, completely experimental, is also the reason why I love fashion. No I take that back….this is the reason why I breathe fashion.  There is never a standstill with apparel, and its followers. It’s ever turning, morphing, and daring you to step to that next trend.  In more cases than not, it is daring you to jump off a cliff, and try something that, in a way, frightens you. Like my blinding fear of the ever popular Carrie Bradshaw backless dress, and bra exposed. She can do no wrong, but I can. This cannot, and will not, be pulled off by the likes of me.

However, the fight inside you goes on internally.  This happening while you’re staring at the acid washed jeans, with zippers on the bottom, is something completely different, and unique in its own. I am hearing the fashion angel whisper “acid washed jeans? really? Oh yes smart choice, this trend will last long enough to get your monies worth right?(snicker snicker ).”  On the other hand. the BAD side that tells me it would be “perfect with this one outfit,” and “I could mix it in with my other pieces to make it work, coooome on just do it.” This is what makes it thrilling.

It never gets old, placing that ridiculous, yet fabulous shoe on your foot. (when in all likelihood, you will be walking around, in god knows what terrain, with all your friends wearing flats) You, as the unrealistic, fabulous character you are, get a thrill from attempting what others will not.  This is what a patient with the fashion bug suffers from.  Symptoms include, lack of impulse control, low bank accounts, feverish feelings when you find that item you have searched for, lack of closet space; which in turn forces you to abandon the idea of keeping towels in the  linen closet, and instead store your pants there. Which is why my guests get towels delivered to them upon visiting. Other symptoms include; blistered, raw, and angry feet, feelings of isolation when inevitably overdressed, and again, isolation when others cut you off for being overdressed, and therefore making them under-dressed.

There are those that live function, then there are the breed of people who live to be uncomfortable, unrealistic, and down right in pain most of the time. All of this for no more than putting it together in the morning, and feeling like I just completed a new piece of art. It may be art, but this is different then the painting I just added to my living room.  It is more of a living decoupage I have produced.  This walking piece gets to be a part of everything I do today. Today my boyfriend jeans, button up blouse, rope belt , and five inch heels, get to be a part of my first stab at writing a fashion blog.

Ok so maybe some things have changed….goodbye lunch pail, hello gorgeous black leather shoulder bag with matching shoes.